Sunday, March 7, 2010

Trip to Wyoming

Over the long President's Day weekend, we went up to Wyoming. It was a long trip so we all took turns driving.

Some of us were better than others...

While there Sage caught some awesome fish.

We also saw this deer (Sage says it is a nice buck, not a deer) right in Thermopolis. There was a guy walking his dog right next to it and the deer didn't even look up.

We didn't take many pictures while we were there (unlike Aubrey's grandparents) but we did catch this one of the Bubs hanging out with her Grandma Lewis. She looks a little startled because we caught her with her new favorite toy: a Tic Tac container.

And finally, we've got a lot of cute video of the Bubs so I'm just going to tack one on the end of this post even if it doesn't relate to the trip to Wyoming.


  1. YOU LET HER DRIVE!? Bad parents. Cute baby though! Thanks for the update! ... Next time I'll go home too!

  2. So cute. Sounds like you guys had a fun trip. You guys can come hang out on Friday night before I leave. It would help me from getting really nervous/homesick already.
