Monday, March 8, 2010

Great Husband

I have the best husband in the world. A few weeks ago I was having a bad day and Sage went to the store and brought back flowers (purple because it is my favorite color) and a movie to watch. I had wanted to watch 17 Again but I didn't think I ever would be able to because if you know Sage, you know he doesn't like Zac Efron at all. It was a sign of his love that he rented that movie.

And my amazing husband also found out this week that he got into the BYU Biology Masters program!!!! I'm so proud of him for getting in. It was a lot of hard work to study for the GRE and get the grades he needed and find a professor to work with. He is probably going to start working on some research this summer and might even be going to Costa Rica for 10 days. It is going to be an adjustment to be back in school again but I think we are up for it.


  1. Whooo Hoooo! Congratulations on the masters program! And what a thoughtful gift (flowers & movie). In this world of all-consuming selfishness, it's so refreshing to know there are good guys out there who put their wives first. You've got a good one Toni! And always love the pictures of Aubrey. My latest favorite is her driving the car. Can't wait to be in the same place as you guys so I can hold her. Of course, by then, she'll probably have stranger anxiety :).
