The Bubs is 6 months old! We went for her check up and here are her new stats.
Weight: 15 pounds (32nd percentile)
Length: 25.5 inches (42nd percentile)
Head Circumference: 17.25 inches (85th percentile)
She spent the last few months growing more up than out but that head just keeps getting bigger!
The doctor told me to wait until she was six months to start baby food but as we started gathering a booster seat and spoons I got excited and started her on rice cereal about two weeks early. It is great seeing her reactions to new foods and figuring out what she likes and dislikes.
She has also started trying to suck on her toes and she has actually gotten them into her mouth a few times. We were lucky enough to catch it on camera.
And finally, she has taken up growling again. She went through a phase a few months ago where she would growl and then she stopped for a while. It is back in full force as you can see below.
Weight: 15 pounds (32nd percentile)
Length: 25.5 inches (42nd percentile)
Head Circumference: 17.25 inches (85th percentile)
She spent the last few months growing more up than out but that head just keeps getting bigger!
The doctor told me to wait until she was six months to start baby food but as we started gathering a booster seat and spoons I got excited and started her on rice cereal about two weeks early. It is great seeing her reactions to new foods and figuring out what she likes and dislikes.
She has also started trying to suck on her toes and she has actually gotten them into her mouth a few times. We were lucky enough to catch it on camera.
And finally, she has taken up growling again. She went through a phase a few months ago where she would growl and then she stopped for a while. It is back in full force as you can see below.
I know I get to see her all the time, but for reals, SHE'S so cute! Thanks for a great post!!