Friday, March 26, 2010

Flashback Friday

In May of last year (I was about five months pregnant at the time) Sage and I decided to take a vacation. A last hurrah before our little Aubrey came. We stayed pretty close to home, meaning Salt Lake, but we packed a lot in. Here are a few pictures from our vacation.

Here are some pictures from the Thanksgiving Point dinosaur museum. That is a very cool place. We also saw Star Trek in the theater there. Not the dollar theater my friends, the real deal, full price, nice seated theater. Like I said, it was a vacation!

We also went out to eat at The Roof in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was VERY expense (thank goodness we had a giftcard) and honestly wasn't that great. Good atmosphere, but the buffet wasn't anything to write home about.

This was us at the Hogle Zoo eating Dippin Dots. It was one of the goals of this vacation to eat that tasty treat and one of the only places we could do it was the zoo. We took my sister Dawn and had a wonderful time.

Right before we headed home we went out to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake and floated in the water. On the upside, we did get to float and it was easier to do than normal. On the downside, we had to wade pretty far for us to get enough water to float in and that water was pretty gross.

Let me also mention it took a lot of courage to post a picture of a pregnant me in a swimming suit, but I had to get a picture of the lake in. Please be kind.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

6 Months Old

The Bubs is 6 months old! We went for her check up and here are her new stats.

Weight: 15 pounds (32nd percentile)
Length: 25.5 inches (42nd percentile)
Head Circumference: 17.25 inches (85th percentile)

She spent the last few months growing more up than out but that head just keeps getting bigger!

The doctor told me to wait until she was six months to start baby food but as we started gathering a booster seat and spoons I got excited and started her on rice cereal about two weeks early. It is great seeing her reactions to new foods and figuring out what she likes and dislikes.

She has also started trying to suck on her toes and she has actually gotten them into her mouth a few times. We were lucky enough to catch it on camera.

And finally, she has taken up growling again. She went through a phase a few months ago where she would growl and then she stopped for a while. It is back in full force as you can see below.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Great Husband

I have the best husband in the world. A few weeks ago I was having a bad day and Sage went to the store and brought back flowers (purple because it is my favorite color) and a movie to watch. I had wanted to watch 17 Again but I didn't think I ever would be able to because if you know Sage, you know he doesn't like Zac Efron at all. It was a sign of his love that he rented that movie.

And my amazing husband also found out this week that he got into the BYU Biology Masters program!!!! I'm so proud of him for getting in. It was a lot of hard work to study for the GRE and get the grades he needed and find a professor to work with. He is probably going to start working on some research this summer and might even be going to Costa Rica for 10 days. It is going to be an adjustment to be back in school again but I think we are up for it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Trip to Wyoming

Over the long President's Day weekend, we went up to Wyoming. It was a long trip so we all took turns driving.

Some of us were better than others...

While there Sage caught some awesome fish.

We also saw this deer (Sage says it is a nice buck, not a deer) right in Thermopolis. There was a guy walking his dog right next to it and the deer didn't even look up.

We didn't take many pictures while we were there (unlike Aubrey's grandparents) but we did catch this one of the Bubs hanging out with her Grandma Lewis. She looks a little startled because we caught her with her new favorite toy: a Tic Tac container.

And finally, we've got a lot of cute video of the Bubs so I'm just going to tack one on the end of this post even if it doesn't relate to the trip to Wyoming.