Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So I have been taking a hiatus from the blog for a while as you can probably tell.  I have been reminded multiple times by my sister that I need to blog more so I made it a goal this year to do that.  I've decided that meanings blogging at least once a month.  Not exactly a "stretch goal" but one I think I can keep up with.

This same loving sister made a video with Aubrey earlier this year and sent it to me so I would have something to blog about so here it is.

Yes, she is going to be a big sister!  I am due May 11 and we found out recently that we will be having another little girl.  Sage said that he was going to be drowning in estrogen now, but I know he is happy. 


  1. I CANNOT WAIT FOR ANOTHER ADORABLE NIECE! Also .. thanks for blogging! I'm so excited that you're back in the blog-o-sphere!

  2. Thanks for updating, Toni! Aubrey's really changed in the past year!! And congratulations on another baby girl coming your way! Please let me know your address someday so I can send something?
    Love ya!

  3. Congrats! I was thinking about you the other day and wondering what you are up to. Miss you!

  4. Yay Toni! That is exciting news! I look forward to your blog updates...I need to update mine too. So much has happened. We are moving to Virginia at the beginning of April and I have a lot to do, but send me your address too because I want to keep in touch!
