Monday, May 24, 2010

Daddy Daughter Time

Babies need mommies for sure, but they also need daddies. Lately Bubs has been getting in some daddy daughter time.

Here they are throwing rocks into the Provo River. She laughed every time they splashed in.

Here she is trying out Daddy's ride. She approves.

She also tried on his helmet. A little big still.

And here she is enjoying a milkshake her dad made. Her little face is just saying YUM!!!

And finally here is a video of her playing with her daddy's phone.

He thinks she loves him best. (I know better)


  1. Dear sister! THANK YOU for your prompt posting! We here in Powell NEVER tire of seeing this little lady!

  2. Love the last comment on this post especially the part in () !!!! Aubrey is beautiful like always and you make me laugh which will make my whole day!
