Thursday, May 27, 2010


We have been on several outings lately and haven't had a chance to blog about them yet. Here we go!

One fine Sunday we decided to do the BYU thing: go to the duck pond with some bread. Since it is the BYU thing to do though, the ducks were too full by the time we got there. We saw whole slices of bread floating in the water! So we didn't actually feed the ducks, but we did get to see some ducklings up close.

This is the only picture that we got from our Family Home Evening picnic. Great photography, I know. It is an empty cup and she likes to put it up to her mouth and yell into it. She likes how much louder it is I guess. This was a fun picnic but the pavilion we had picked was also being used for a singles ward FHE picnic which was a little awkward. We got there before they did and when we realized what was going on Sage talked to the bishop of the ward and he said he didn't mind if we were there. He said we would be a good example to his singles. Weird.

Another day we went up Provo Canyon and hung around for a bit.

It was a little breezy, hence the sweater, but still a blast. We all played on the playground for a bit, and then Sage went fishing in the Provo River while Bubs and I played on the blanket. It was a fun day.

Below is a video of Bubs and I swinging. She is laughing but she is still a little scared which you can see when she throws her arms to the side. I'm sure one day she will be trying to jump out of the swing, but for now I'm glad she is still my cute little baby.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Daddy Daughter Time

Babies need mommies for sure, but they also need daddies. Lately Bubs has been getting in some daddy daughter time.

Here they are throwing rocks into the Provo River. She laughed every time they splashed in.

Here she is trying out Daddy's ride. She approves.

She also tried on his helmet. A little big still.

And here she is enjoying a milkshake her dad made. Her little face is just saying YUM!!!

And finally here is a video of her playing with her daddy's phone.

He thinks she loves him best. (I know better)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy to See Ya!

Bubs is very happy to see you all. She knows she has an ardent fan base that has been clamoring for more of what she does best--being cute! This is her latest work. Yes, that is a tooth showing on her lower gums. And what about those huge eyes! We can't decide what color they are. Hazel?

As her adoring public knows, she turned 8 months old a few days ago. Here is the best picture we could muster and it wasn't until we brought the props in that things started working. She is just getting very wiggly now and won't sit still. She isn't quite crawling yet but she is very mobile and lunges, leans and pushes until she gets what she wants from you.

She recently learned how to shake her head "no" and we had a little fun with that.

Since we had been putting her in her booster seat, she has learned how to chuck things off the tray. In the process, she has realized that those things make a loud noise when they hit the floor so she squinches up her eyes in anticipation of the bang.

And finally a random photo to hopefully keep her public satisfied for a little while. Until next time!