Wednesday, January 13, 2010

4 months old!

Aubrey officially turned 4 months old yesterday and she had a doctors appointment on Monday. Her stats are:

Weight: 13.5 pounds (49 percentile)
Length: 23.5 inches (23 percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.53 cm (77 percentile)

And to celebrate her 4 month birthday, she got to get shots! I wasn't expecting to get them that day so I actually had to call Sage for moral support. Even then I couldn't watch them stick her (right down to her little femur it seems like) so I just held her hands and watched her face. She was great though and only cried for literally a minute. She was fine when we went out to make her next appointment, but cranky that night before the baby Tylenol kicked in.

She is getting very chatty now and will babble for 20-30 minutes at a time some days, but only when it is just Sage and me. I think she gets too excited if other people are around. To prove that we aren't making this up, I got a video of her cooing the other night. This was only a few seconds of a much longer monologue, but you get the idea.

And finally, Sage got this picture of her last night. He calls it her devious picture and says she is plotting something as she rubs her hands together. I just think she is cute.


  1. "Ooo blth oaa bbbb huh!" (James to Aubrey)

    She's sure continuing to grow in cuteness, you guys:) Glad you're starting a blog to share the fun!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like the devious picture the best! It definitely fits her personality! :) Thanks for the post!

  4. I think this is the cutest baby in all of the blogisphere!!
