Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Aubrey!

Aubrey on Aunt Kelli's shoulder, showing off the birthday banner
So we did a few things for her birthday and I don't want to bore you with a huge post so I'll just string you along with a couple of posts.  This one will be about her actual birthday.

She started the day with an A (for Aubrey) shaped pancake, a tradition from Sage's family.  She had eaten some of it by the time I got the camera but it really is an A, I promise.  Sage discovered after he made the pancakes that we had no syrup and it being Sunday he had to improvise.  He found a recipe for and made a delicious coconut syrup.  He's the best!

For the rest of the day we tried to cater her to every whim to let her know it was her birthday but I don't think she noticed a difference.  The next really birthday thing we did was the cake!  I made it, Sage frosted it and I decorated it so it was a real family effort.

It was a pretty simple affair but she liked the candle we put in it.  She knows how to blow on things but Dad had to help her extinguish it this time.  Right after he did that she realized what we wanted and started to blow.  Oh well, maybe next year. :)
Then my sister Kelli who was over for the party decided that Aubrey should be given access to the whole cake.  I was planning on giving her a slice and seeing what she would make of it, but the whole cake found its way to her booster seat tray.  Pandemonium ensued.

Eventually we took it away and did give her a slice and she did get pretty messy.  Here is the classic Dirty From Cake on First Birthday picture, Aubrey style.

This is after I had cleaned her off once already
As for her haul, she got a lot of cute clothes and a book.  She should be outfitted in style for a while, both day and night, and she heartily thanks all those that gave her such awesome stuff!