We went to her doctors appointment and here are her stats.
Weight: 15.94 lbs (7th percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (18th percentile)
Head: 17.66 inches (76th percentile)
If you've been keeping track, you can see her head growth is going strong and her height is alright, but she didn't gain much weight over the last three months (not even a whole pound). She was also low in iron.
The doctor said it was probably a combination of more exercise through crawling and less eating because she is easily distracted these days. Too much cool stuff going on I guess. He said to try to get her to eat more and feed her more meat to get her iron up. We'll see if it works! That is peach cobbler she is eating by the way. We are trying to fatten her up after all. :)
Aubs is crawling a lot more these days but she still usually scoots for longer distances. She also pulls herself up on things and will walk if you hold her fingers. She is also good at waving and clapping her hands.
She is also teething right now and we can see just a little bit poking up next to her first tooth. Another thing she likes to do it look at pictures of herself. Seriously. If she is fussy we just have to bring out the camera, take her picture, and show it to her and she grabs the camera and starts laughing. We're not sure what this tells us about her, but it works so we'll deal with that later.