Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Video

It has been too long but all I've managed to capture lately is some cute video.

She has alarming tendency to throw herself around when she is pretty sure she will fall on soft things.  She also has been on a kissing phase lately and I think this was the start of it.

She was really tired after her bath and a tad hysterical. I realize I sound really weird, but when you get a reaction like this, how can you not do what is required, even if you sound strange.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Toothbrush Phone

She did this all through Wal-mart.  It was adorable.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Farm Town!

The day before Bub's birthday we went to Farm Town up at Thanksgiving Point.  Thanksgiving Point is a place that has shops, gardens, museums, and a little farm complete with animals.  She loved it!

This is her leaning over to get a closer look at the pygmy goats.  She grabbed the fence and pulled herself over.  She was really interested.

We saw goats, sheep, llamas, pigs, horses, lots of birds, and cows.  She pointed at all of them, exclaimed, looked at us to make sure we were watching, pointed again and exclaimed some more. 

We didn't have any quarters so we couldn't get the food from the dispensers to feed the animals but the animals didn't know that.  They came right up to us until they realized we didn't have the food.  But for those few minutes they were really friendly and Bubs got really close.

While we were there she saw a goat eating and after a minute of observation she started to move her mouth like she was eating too.  It was really cute.  All in all it was a great time and I know she liked it because as we were walking out she started crying. :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Aubrey!

Aubrey on Aunt Kelli's shoulder, showing off the birthday banner
So we did a few things for her birthday and I don't want to bore you with a huge post so I'll just string you along with a couple of posts.  This one will be about her actual birthday.

She started the day with an A (for Aubrey) shaped pancake, a tradition from Sage's family.  She had eaten some of it by the time I got the camera but it really is an A, I promise.  Sage discovered after he made the pancakes that we had no syrup and it being Sunday he had to improvise.  He found a recipe for and made a delicious coconut syrup.  He's the best!

For the rest of the day we tried to cater her to every whim to let her know it was her birthday but I don't think she noticed a difference.  The next really birthday thing we did was the cake!  I made it, Sage frosted it and I decorated it so it was a real family effort.

It was a pretty simple affair but she liked the candle we put in it.  She knows how to blow on things but Dad had to help her extinguish it this time.  Right after he did that she realized what we wanted and started to blow.  Oh well, maybe next year. :)
Then my sister Kelli who was over for the party decided that Aubrey should be given access to the whole cake.  I was planning on giving her a slice and seeing what she would make of it, but the whole cake found its way to her booster seat tray.  Pandemonium ensued.

Eventually we took it away and did give her a slice and she did get pretty messy.  Here is the classic Dirty From Cake on First Birthday picture, Aubrey style.

This is after I had cleaned her off once already
As for her haul, she got a lot of cute clothes and a book.  She should be outfitted in style for a while, both day and night, and she heartily thanks all those that gave her such awesome stuff!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

You looking for me?

For those of you who've grown tired of hearing Bubs say her name over and over again, here is a new video.  In it she gives herself a nickname and reveals who her favorite parent is.

Actually this was a random accident, but I must have laughed more than I thought because she kept this up for the next week.  Dada was less than amused but she has since returned to loving us both equally.

Monday, July 19, 2010


She knows the most important people now, Mama, Dada, and Aubrey! Whether she knows she knows is up for debate but you have to start somewhere right?

She is pretty happy with her new knowledge.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

9 months!

Ok so she turned 9 months nearly two weeks ago. Better late than never, right?

We went to her doctors appointment and here are her stats.

Weight: 15.94 lbs (7th percentile)
Height: 26.5 inches (18th percentile)
Head: 17.66 inches (76th percentile)

If you've been keeping track, you can see her head growth is going strong and her height is alright, but she didn't gain much weight over the last three months (not even a whole pound). She was also low in iron.

The doctor said it was probably a combination of more exercise through crawling and less eating because she is easily distracted these days. Too much cool stuff going on I guess. He said to try to get her to eat more and feed her more meat to get her iron up. We'll see if it works! That is peach cobbler she is eating by the way. We are trying to fatten her up after all. :)

Aubs is crawling a lot more these days but she still usually scoots for longer distances. She also pulls herself up on things and will walk if you hold her fingers. She is also good at waving and clapping her hands.

She is also teething right now and we can see just a little bit poking up next to her first tooth. Another thing she likes to do it look at pictures of herself. Seriously. If she is fussy we just have to bring out the camera, take her picture, and show it to her and she grabs the camera and starts laughing. We're not sure what this tells us about her, but it works so we'll deal with that later.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


We have been on several outings lately and haven't had a chance to blog about them yet. Here we go!

One fine Sunday we decided to do the BYU thing: go to the duck pond with some bread. Since it is the BYU thing to do though, the ducks were too full by the time we got there. We saw whole slices of bread floating in the water! So we didn't actually feed the ducks, but we did get to see some ducklings up close.

This is the only picture that we got from our Family Home Evening picnic. Great photography, I know. It is an empty cup and she likes to put it up to her mouth and yell into it. She likes how much louder it is I guess. This was a fun picnic but the pavilion we had picked was also being used for a singles ward FHE picnic which was a little awkward. We got there before they did and when we realized what was going on Sage talked to the bishop of the ward and he said he didn't mind if we were there. He said we would be a good example to his singles. Weird.

Another day we went up Provo Canyon and hung around for a bit.

It was a little breezy, hence the sweater, but still a blast. We all played on the playground for a bit, and then Sage went fishing in the Provo River while Bubs and I played on the blanket. It was a fun day.

Below is a video of Bubs and I swinging. She is laughing but she is still a little scared which you can see when she throws her arms to the side. I'm sure one day she will be trying to jump out of the swing, but for now I'm glad she is still my cute little baby.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Daddy Daughter Time

Babies need mommies for sure, but they also need daddies. Lately Bubs has been getting in some daddy daughter time.

Here they are throwing rocks into the Provo River. She laughed every time they splashed in.

Here she is trying out Daddy's ride. She approves.

She also tried on his helmet. A little big still.

And here she is enjoying a milkshake her dad made. Her little face is just saying YUM!!!

And finally here is a video of her playing with her daddy's phone.

He thinks she loves him best. (I know better)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy to See Ya!

Bubs is very happy to see you all. She knows she has an ardent fan base that has been clamoring for more of what she does best--being cute! This is her latest work. Yes, that is a tooth showing on her lower gums. And what about those huge eyes! We can't decide what color they are. Hazel?

As her adoring public knows, she turned 8 months old a few days ago. Here is the best picture we could muster and it wasn't until we brought the props in that things started working. She is just getting very wiggly now and won't sit still. She isn't quite crawling yet but she is very mobile and lunges, leans and pushes until she gets what she wants from you.

She recently learned how to shake her head "no" and we had a little fun with that.

Since we had been putting her in her booster seat, she has learned how to chuck things off the tray. In the process, she has realized that those things make a loud noise when they hit the floor so she squinches up her eyes in anticipation of the bang.

And finally a random photo to hopefully keep her public satisfied for a little while. Until next time!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

7 months!

So a few weeks ago, Bubs turned 7 months! This picture was actually taken April 12 even if I am posting it late.

She is getting so big! She is starting to scoot around but only backwards so far. She will get it out of reverse one of these days soon though, I'm sure.

She is also starting to eat real food (well, as real as Rice Krispies are). She crunches down on them with her gums right now but we are pretty sure she is getting at least one tooth on the bottom. You can kind of see it but only when we open her mouth and pull back her lip. She puts up with that for about a second so we probably aren't going to get a picture for you anytime soon. You'll just have to trust us that is it there or if you prefer, you can come by and we'll let her bite your finger so you can feel it for yourself.

She also has graduated to a sippy cup, mostly because she has mastered the water bottle.

Sometime in March we took a quick walk up to Bridal Veil Falls. It was pretty cold but we all enjoyed ourselves. Hopefully it will stop snowing down here soon and we can have some more outings like this!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Flashback Friday

In May of last year (I was about five months pregnant at the time) Sage and I decided to take a vacation. A last hurrah before our little Aubrey came. We stayed pretty close to home, meaning Salt Lake, but we packed a lot in. Here are a few pictures from our vacation.

Here are some pictures from the Thanksgiving Point dinosaur museum. That is a very cool place. We also saw Star Trek in the theater there. Not the dollar theater my friends, the real deal, full price, nice seated theater. Like I said, it was a vacation!

We also went out to eat at The Roof in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was VERY expense (thank goodness we had a giftcard) and honestly wasn't that great. Good atmosphere, but the buffet wasn't anything to write home about.

This was us at the Hogle Zoo eating Dippin Dots. It was one of the goals of this vacation to eat that tasty treat and one of the only places we could do it was the zoo. We took my sister Dawn and had a wonderful time.

Right before we headed home we went out to Antelope Island in the Great Salt Lake and floated in the water. On the upside, we did get to float and it was easier to do than normal. On the downside, we had to wade pretty far for us to get enough water to float in and that water was pretty gross.

Let me also mention it took a lot of courage to post a picture of a pregnant me in a swimming suit, but I had to get a picture of the lake in. Please be kind.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

6 Months Old

The Bubs is 6 months old! We went for her check up and here are her new stats.

Weight: 15 pounds (32nd percentile)
Length: 25.5 inches (42nd percentile)
Head Circumference: 17.25 inches (85th percentile)

She spent the last few months growing more up than out but that head just keeps getting bigger!

The doctor told me to wait until she was six months to start baby food but as we started gathering a booster seat and spoons I got excited and started her on rice cereal about two weeks early. It is great seeing her reactions to new foods and figuring out what she likes and dislikes.

She has also started trying to suck on her toes and she has actually gotten them into her mouth a few times. We were lucky enough to catch it on camera.

And finally, she has taken up growling again. She went through a phase a few months ago where she would growl and then she stopped for a while. It is back in full force as you can see below.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Great Husband

I have the best husband in the world. A few weeks ago I was having a bad day and Sage went to the store and brought back flowers (purple because it is my favorite color) and a movie to watch. I had wanted to watch 17 Again but I didn't think I ever would be able to because if you know Sage, you know he doesn't like Zac Efron at all. It was a sign of his love that he rented that movie.

And my amazing husband also found out this week that he got into the BYU Biology Masters program!!!! I'm so proud of him for getting in. It was a lot of hard work to study for the GRE and get the grades he needed and find a professor to work with. He is probably going to start working on some research this summer and might even be going to Costa Rica for 10 days. It is going to be an adjustment to be back in school again but I think we are up for it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Trip to Wyoming

Over the long President's Day weekend, we went up to Wyoming. It was a long trip so we all took turns driving.

Some of us were better than others...

While there Sage caught some awesome fish.

We also saw this deer (Sage says it is a nice buck, not a deer) right in Thermopolis. There was a guy walking his dog right next to it and the deer didn't even look up.

We didn't take many pictures while we were there (unlike Aubrey's grandparents) but we did catch this one of the Bubs hanging out with her Grandma Lewis. She looks a little startled because we caught her with her new favorite toy: a Tic Tac container.

And finally, we've got a lot of cute video of the Bubs so I'm just going to tack one on the end of this post even if it doesn't relate to the trip to Wyoming.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

New Skills

Now I'd like to preface this video by saying we watch her the whole time and I read in a baby book that it was good for teething. Also she loves to watch us eat and wants to get in on the action so we thought this would be a safe way for her to do so. Notice how dexterous she is getting with her hands!

That is a carrot if you couldn't tell.

In other news she has recently acquired the skill of grabbing her foot. She can even grab both if the mood strikes her.

Finally here is a picture of the Bubs in a cute outfit her great-grandma Lewis got her. It is six-month size and she is fitting in it very well. She is also sitting up much better by herself these days. She is getting so big!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Just to whet your appetite

There are more posts to follow but right now I just have time to post some pictures of the Bubs doing her thing.

Just getting ready for bed.

A self-portrait. Well, almost.

And a quick blast from the past to show how much she has grown.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

4 months old!

Aubrey officially turned 4 months old yesterday and she had a doctors appointment on Monday. Her stats are:

Weight: 13.5 pounds (49 percentile)
Length: 23.5 inches (23 percentile)
Head Circumference: 16.53 cm (77 percentile)

And to celebrate her 4 month birthday, she got to get shots! I wasn't expecting to get them that day so I actually had to call Sage for moral support. Even then I couldn't watch them stick her (right down to her little femur it seems like) so I just held her hands and watched her face. She was great though and only cried for literally a minute. She was fine when we went out to make her next appointment, but cranky that night before the baby Tylenol kicked in.

She is getting very chatty now and will babble for 20-30 minutes at a time some days, but only when it is just Sage and me. I think she gets too excited if other people are around. To prove that we aren't making this up, I got a video of her cooing the other night. This was only a few seconds of a much longer monologue, but you get the idea.

And finally, Sage got this picture of her last night. He calls it her devious picture and says she is plotting something as she rubs her hands together. I just think she is cute.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This is a cute picture of us that Sage picked out and said I should post. He is really into me starting this blog so he is cajoling me along every chance he gets. This is actually a picture we took on our way to get my wisdom teeth out. We were playing with the camera settings and probably being very lovey-dovey because we were engaged at the time. The flirtations might have something to do with the bunny ears someone in the back is giving me, but we still think it is a cute picture.

This is a picture of Aubrey, affectionately know as The Bubs these days, when she was trying on her first ever dress. I think she was only a few weeks old. She has grown up a lot since then and I'm sure I'm going to post some more recent pictures, but in the meantime, I really like this one.